I’m Joe Hutchinson.

An R&D engineer solving problems with data and computation. These are my thoughts on life and technology...

Headshot of Joe Hutchinson
A nightstand with four books next to a bed

My 2022 Reading List

"The medium is the message" as the saying goes. Books reflect the nuanced nature of life and slow things down when the world feels fast.



Walking down the grand canyon trail.  Lots of lense flair.

A Canyon So Grand

After visiting the Grand Canyon in December 2012, I wrote this poem in my creative writing class to capture the experience.



An open book with books stacked behind

My 2021 Reading List

I don't think I'm alone feeling overwhelmed in today's world. When things get crazy, my favorite way to unwind is with a good book.



How to Add Scrollbars to a Dynamic GUI in TKinter

When dynamically adding a widget to a GUI, you expect any scrollbars to adapt to the new size of the content area (allowing the user to scroll to the new content). Unfortunately when developing these dynamic GUIs with Tkinter, it is not straightforward to get this behavior. This post will show you how to get your scrollbars working so you can move on to the fun stuff.



EE lab equipment spread across a desk

A Letter to Those Starting Electrical Engineering

Electrical Engineering is an exciting, rewarding career choice. For those who enjoy physics and logic it is a perfect fit. Here is the advice I wish I knew when starting my EE journey.



A picture of a library with a big curved wall of books

My 2020 Reading List

I love reading and I wish I did more of it. Here are the books I'm reading (or listening to) to this year.



A line following robot comprised of a Lego EV3 and hand-soldered sensor circuits

PID Control for Line Following Robot

Line following is easy to accomplish but hard to master. PID Control, while more challenging to implement and tune, provides effective smooth tracking and quick response.



A MacBook showing a website using the aether theme

Aether: A Clean Theme for Hugo

Aether is new theme for Hugo (a static site generator) that emphasizes motion, material, and depth as design elements. Distracting styling and page elements are forgone to focus on the content.

